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Home > Colleges and Schools > College of Human Ecology > What does it mean that the College of Human Ecology is a “contract college” and how does that status affect applicants and Human Ecology students? Can I use the SUNY application to apply to CHE?
What does it mean that the College of Human Ecology is a “contract college” and how does that status affect applicants and Human Ecology students? Can I use the SUNY application to apply to CHE?
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The College of Human Ecology, the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, the School of Industrial and Labor Relations, and the College of Veterinary Medicine have a unique relationship with New York State.  As part of their mission, these units conduct education, research, and outreach services that are linked to the economic and social wellbeing of New York State, the nation and the world. In exchange for these contributions, New York State offers a degree of financial support. Residents of New York State receive the reduced resident rate tuition.

This relationship holds consistent with the mission of the College of Human Ecology and benefits our students in a variety of ways. In addition to receiving a Cornell University education, students have access to all of the resources available at Cornell. Living, working, and studying with students from the other contract and privately endowed colleges, our students are also able to help the college fulfill the partnership by participating in undergraduate research and outreach across the campus.

Despite the differences in funding for the four contract colleges and schools, all Cornell undergraduates enjoy the same quality of academic and campus life and can pursue courses in the other colleges and schools. All Cornell students study on the Ithaca campus and receive Cornell University diplomas.

Students applying to the contract colleges will apply to Cornell University and complete the Common Application. We do not accept the SUNY application. Visit for more information.

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